Safeguarding manufacturers of all sizes for improved outcomes

At Gallagher Bassett, we understand the challenges and risks manufacturing businesses face. From managing disruptions due to supply chain uncertainties or natural catastrophes to product recalls to unique workplace safety challenges, our knowledge and expertise help manufacturers limit the cost of risk and create opportunities for growth.

Our comprehensive suite of services includes the following:

  • Claims management for workers' compensation, general liability, product recall, and property liability
  • Loss control and safety consulting, including compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations
  • Oversight, implementation, and revision of health and safety protocols and policies.

Our manufacturing experience

By the numbers


New Claims

Claims Handled

$5.3 Billion
Total Incurred

Figures represent 2022 year-end results and include all coverages.

Case studies: Manufacturing industry success stories

Our highly trained professionals work collaboratively with you to integrate your program goals and expectations with our risk management and claims handling abilities and services. Here are a few examples of our clients' successes:

Bespoke return-to-work program decreases employee opioid use

Learn how a partnered approach to clinical care and pharmacy monitoring with a manufacturing client led to results like these:

  • 43% reduction in opioid use
  • 30% increase in self-care rate, lowering claims costs.


Claims benchmarking and review strategy lower total cost of risk

Learn how a claims monitoring strategy increased efficiency and lowered workers' compensation costs with results like these:

  • 9-day decrease in lost workdays
  • 17-point increase in claims closure rate.


Learn more about our solutions for the manufacturing industry

Custom claims handling focused on manufacturing risk exposures

While we handle all types of insurance claims, the most common liabilities we manage for our manufacturing clients include the following:

  • Workers' Compensation
  • Property
  • Product Liability
  • General Liability
  • Auto Liability
  • Cyber and Tech E&O Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability.

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Specialized services for repetitive tasks and working with machinery

In addition to claims management, we partner with manufacturing clients on a variety of workplace risk mitigation strategies. These are some key elements of our solutions:

  • On-site and web-based safety and regulatory training for workers and supervisors
  • Machine guarding services to protect operators from accidental contact injuries
  • Assessments of workstation setup to ensure proper ergonomics and limit injury from repetitive tasks.

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Make Gallagher Bassett your reliable manufacturing partner

As the premier risk and claims management provider to all types of manufacturing clients, including food and beverage products, appliances, electronics, automobiles, and steel, we have the industry experience to exceed your expectations.

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