The customers we serve
We deliver claims and risk management solutions for brokers, commercial employers, government and public entities, insurance carriers — including captives, mutuals, managing general agents (MGAs and MGUs), and underwriters. Headquartered in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, Gallagher Bassett is a global organization with regional operations in North America, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Singapore.
What matters most
Delivering the results that matter most to our clients and partners
Since 1962, our clients have trusted us to take care of their employees, protect their brands, and provide claims and risk management solutions that help them achieve continued success during times of change and growth. At Gallagher Bassett, our team of experienced professionals understands the nuances of your business and always delivers the outcomes that matter most to your organization.
Whether you're looking to reduce your total cost of risk, decrease claim duration, or improve safety, superior outcomes are the result of a successful integration of expertise, quality, innovation, and exceptional service into a solution that meets your unique needs.
How we help organizations succeed
Through service, expertise, innovation, and quality, we partner with your organization to provide end-to-end risk management solutions.
We are consistently ranked by risk managers, within independent surveys, as the leading claims services partner based on the exceptional talent and service focus of our claims professionals. At Gallagher Bassett, we strive to elevate and protect our clients' brands by working as an extension of your team to provide the right support at the right time to positively impact your employees and business.
We have disciplined processes in place to ensure that you achieve superior outcomes at every stage in the claims lifecycle. From industry and client scoring assessments to file reviews and audits, our commitment to client transparency means that quality is something you can see. In our pursuit of superior quality, we maintain an elite set of standards and systems to deliver operational excellence and fulfill our promises every time. Our robust quality assurance processes ensure that we consistently meet and exceed your targets while driving consistent improvement of outcomes.
As the frequency and complexity of claims soar across the globe, having a team of industry experts to partner with is critical to your business. Managing the intricacy of these claims is not always simple, but for our team of industry-specific experts, it's second nature to translate unique challenges into solutions and improve outcomes. Backed by decades of experience, exceptional training, growth opportunities, and a values-driven culture, we ensure that our experts are working on your behalf.
The pace of change in every industry has never been so rapid, and Gallagher Bassett is investing in innovation to make better decisions and analyze performance, driving superior outcomes during times of change and growth. With our advanced data integration and analytics, capacity management tools, and automation technology, we provide you with the insights you need to reduce your total cost of risk. Our user-friendly mobile applications and Luminos, the highest-ranked risk management information system (RMIS) in the industry, give you actionable information at your fingertips.