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Beach Reading?
The fascinating discipline of behavioral economics looks to understand the rationale behind human decision making. With anticipating and managing human behavior central to the job of a risk manager, here’s why an understanding of societal, cultural, and cognitive biases can help to deal with human-based risk.
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What We Talk About When We Talk About Disruptive Tech
An intriguing article from the Society for Human Resources (SHRM) explored the impact of AI on existing recruiting and succession processes from a risk management perspective. Here’s how AI is disrupting HR positions.
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Houston, We Have a Disconnect..., Or Do We?
The 14th edition of The State Of Risk Oversight takes a holistic look at the current risk-scape and presents the most up-to-date survey of risk executives from all over the globe. The comprehensive nature of this report makes it an invaluable resource for risk managers who are looking to gather insights and address disconnects in their risk management program.
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Actuarial Excitement
To celebrate 100 years of business, NCCI released a publication discussing the many advancements and changes in the workers’ comp system over the last century. This piece not only explores all the moving parts of analyzing comp costs, but also provokes thought as to how evolving analytical methods could be applied to a rapidly changing landscape.
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Got Interns?
While terms such as AI and cybercrime would not have crossed most risk managers’ minds just two decades ago, they are front and center in 2023. The scope of risk management is one that is evolving each and every day, and with a generational shift currently underway in the workplace, the present marks a perfect opportunity for employers to be investing in the next generation of talent. Here’s why your internship program should be incorporating an element of risk management training.
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Do Some Like It Hot?
While the phrase ‘climate change’ is regularly thrown around without much precision, people typically don’t stop to think about the true ramifications of rising temperatures, at least not from a risk management perspective. Here’s how climate-related health risks are impacting certain occupational groups.
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But Wait — More About ESG
A recent article noted a sharp decline in the frequency that U.S. companies are mentioning green initiatives, perhaps signalling the end of a short-lived focus on these issues. Here's why executives are backing away from their emphasis on ESG topics.
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Your Cyber Crime Tide Forecast
Managed service providers (MSPs) are becoming an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals due to the fact that numerous client systems can be uncovered from accessing a singular MSP. While any up-to-date risk program will include the usual precautions, there is one particular preventative measure that is heavily underutilized, despite being incredibly simple to implement.