Practice environmental due diligence with a reliable partner

At Gallagher Bassett, our team is comprised of multi-disciplined technical specialists who provide superior environmental consulting services at every stage of a project's life cycle. This includes pre-planning, project oversight, specialized technical support, on-site rapid response in critical situations, and reporting.

Our professional advisors are highly regarded in the areas of asbestos consulting, microbiological (mold) contamination, water damage assessments and causation, occupant exposure associated with environmental contaminants, hazardous waste management, and site remediation.

For more than 30 years, we have been actively involved in assisting our clients in the assessment of environmental risk(s) in their businesses and operations and managing their projects involving environmental issues. We mitigate and manage risk by providing the following solutions:

  • In-depth pre-planning consulting services
  • Due diligence gap analysis, risk management, and quantification services
  • Industry-specific training for environmental health and safety compliance, worker exposure, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety requirements
  • Environmental health and safety regulatory compliance and safety management services
  • Disaster emergency response
  • Remediation management
  • Generation of site-specific EH&S plans
  • Hazardous building materials surveys
  • Litigation support services.

Environmental consulting services

Our team has extensive experience in environmental consulting, including industrial hygiene and environmental testing, and provides solutions in the following areas:

  • Asbestos consulting
  • Lead-containing paint inspections
  • Industrial hygiene
  • Microbial consulting services
  • Moisture monitoring
  • Air emissions compliance services
  • Health and safety consulting
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (environmental due diligence)
  • Phase II Site Investigation
  • Phase III Site Remediation Oversight
  • Right-to-Know compliance/universal waste/PCBs/other regulated wastes.

We are leaders in developing innovative solutions in the following practice areas:

Asbestos surveys

There are several types of asbestos surveys depending on the ultimate disposition of the particular site and the local/state regulatory environments.

ASTM Standard E 2356-10

"Standard Practice for Comprehensive Building Asbestos Surveys" codifies and effectively differentiates hazard assessment, pre-demolition, and pre-abatement design surveys.

ACP Surveys

ACP 5 asbestos surveys are specific to planned construction/ renovation/demolition activities and are extremely targeted.

Design and bidding services

Gallagher Bassett has the architectural, engineering, and drafting capabilities required to design an asbestos abatement project.

Registered/certified professionals supervise the preparation and review of asbestos abatement plans and specifications.

Additional asbestos services include:

  • Asbestos surveys
  • Contractor oversight and performance evaluations
  • Air quality testing
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Expert witness testimony.

Certified and licensed sampling

Local, state, and federal agencies have differing requirements related to air monitoring prior to, during, and following abatement. When required, Gallagher Bassett provides for this sampling using personnel who are certified/licensed by the states in which the work is executed. The sampling programs are designed in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements and normally involve air sample collection and analysis.

Additional services include:

  • Consultation and oversight for water loss events
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Phase I IAQ Investigation
  • Phase II Air and Material Sampling
  • Phase III Remediation Design.

Monitoring for indoor pollution

Monitoring air quality and recording airborne contaminant and dust levels relative to workers' exposure and ambient air quality conditions are key to keeping workers healthy.

The main source of poor IAQ is indoor pollution that emits gases or particles into the air. Inadequate ventilation can raise indoor pollutant levels if it fails to move them outside and doesn't bring in enough fresh air to offset indoor sources' emissions.

High humidity and temperatures can also lead to higher concentrations of some contaminants.

Services include:

  • IAQ inspections
  • Screening for chemical agents (e.g., formaldehyde, TVOCs)
  • Monitoring for IAQ complaints
  • Mold remediation.

OSHA regulations

Industrial hygiene regulations are created and monitored by OSHA and aim to safeguard employees' health and safety at work by recognizing, assessing, and regulating working conditions and hazards in several areas, such as:

  • Chemical (e.g., fumes, vapors)
  • Biological (e.g., viruses, bacteria)
  • Physical (e.g., heat, radiation)
  • Ergonomic (e.g., lifting, pushing heavy machinery)
  • Air contaminants (e.g., fibers and aerosols).

Training and response

We offer comprehensive industrial hygiene and worker health and safety training, training to meet regulatory requirements, and OSHA compliance programs.

We also respond to a full array of emergencies and property losses, including fires, spills, explosions, floods, and wind- and weather-related events.

Comprehensive programs offered

We provide companywide environmental risk assessments, including:

  • Hazard identification, risk analysis and evaluation (including benchmarking), and development of customized risk management strategies
  • Comprehensive or operational-specific safety and industrial hygiene programs:
  • Industrial hygiene/OSHA exposure monitoring and PEL compliance
  • Hearing conservation/noise monitoring
  • Engineering controls, including ventilation evaluation and design
  • Procedure, program, and HASP development training
  • Specialization in combustible dust hazard assessment
  • Arc flash studies.

Lead in the construction industry

In construction programs, our investigations include the collection of paint chips for laboratory analysis. Lead sampling will normally include the collection of paint chip samples from all interior and exterior building components, including structural steel. Samples are analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 7000b, using Flame Atomic Spectrophotometry (AAS) by a laboratory that participates in the National Voluntary Accreditation Program.

Lead in the construction industry is regulated by OSHA under the "Lead in Construction Rule" 29 CFR 1926.62, which specifically addresses worker exposures to airborne lead.

Other federal and state regulations address the disposal of construction/demolition debris that may contain lead.

EPA-certified consulting services

Our staff is certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to engage in lead consulting services and collect paint samples for the detection and analysis of lead.

Our testing and consulting services include:

  • Paint inspections using XRF detectors
  • Air-monitoring services
  • Paint chip sampling
  • Project management and supervision
  • Abatement project design
  • Awareness training.

Some of the most common water intrusion sources include (but are not limited to):

  • Construction defects
  • Foundation leaks
  • Moisture between interior and exterior walls
  • Pipe bursts
  • Roof leaks
  • Sewer back-ups
  • Sprinkler head impaction
  • Weather-related events and flooding.

Water intrusion program

Implementation of a water intrusion program before, during, and after construction is instrumental in scoping damages and controlling costs related to water losses.

Water intrusion is the uncontrolled movement of water and/or water vapor to areas of a building or construction site and has the potential to impact construction materials, installed materials, and equipment. Additional exposures exist for third-party and completed operations.

If not addressed in a timely fashion, water intrusion may potentially result in mold growth.

Services available include:

  • Commercial and large loss restoration
  • Water and flood damage cleanup
  • General flooring restoration
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Wind and storm damage
  • Disaster emergency response.

Third-party disaster restoration

Gallagher Bassett will assist in bringing in disaster restoration firms if needed for water intrusion mitigation and technical experts (CIH/CSP) for mold, water intrusion issues, and asbestos issues.

Industry-specific environmental health and safety specialty services

Learn more about the specialty environmental health and safety programs we have available in these specific industries.


We have provided risk and claims management services to clients in the construction industry for more than 50 years, tailoring our solutions to meet their unique needs.



We provide environmental and risk management services developed specifically to address the indoor chemical and biological contaminants that challenge healthcare facilities.



Indoor environmental contaminants and faulty renovation or construction practices represent an ongoing challenge in schools, churches, and associated educational and religious facilities.



Our nationwide network of qualified emergency response and environmental specialists is ready 24 hours a day to assist at every stage of an emergency event, such as a spill of a transport vehicle's cargo or fuel system.


Make Gallagher Bassett your partner for environmental health and safety

From pre-planning construction projects to industry-specific training for environmental health and safety compliance, worker exposure, and OSHA monitoring, you can rely on the knowledgeable team at Gallagher Bassett for your consulting needs.

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